

We always get to be right

Another way to explain how the Law of Attraction works is to realize how we always get to be right. No matter what we believe, we get to see that it's true. We continually create a convincing experience of what we think is right. However we change our mind to consider something else to be right, we change our world of evidence of how right we are.

When we make the Law of Attraction into something special, we may think it's not true and there's no proof that it works. We will then produce the evidence that confirms this presupposition, unaware that we attracted proof that "we are not really attracting anything". When we think the Law works for some people, but not for us in particular, we will create evidence of how inferior, unfortunate and powerless we think we are. If we think we succeed at attracting good things when we are giving, generous and caring, but not when we are greedy, selfish and mean-spirited, so it will appear for us to behold.

Once we realize, as I'm conveying right now, that there are many ways to be right, we face new choices. We can select which way to be right -- based on what we choose to experience. If our choice is wallow is self-pity, we will realize how right we are to think that as our thoughts and imagination are filled with convictions and our happenstance delivers some persecution. If our choice is to feel arrogant and superior to others, so it happens that what comes to mind and our world will prove our premise to be true. If we choose to relate to, understand and nurture others, we will attract opportunities to experience that and feedback about how we're succeeding.

With numerous experiences of observing whatever appears both inside and outside us, we realize the Law of Attraction is relentlessly successful. We always get to be right. We endlessly attract evidence of what we believe to be true. We create our experiences by our choice of which way to be right. The world we selectively perceive and frame with our own significance conforms to the command of our assumptions. So be it.

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